Nurturing Today’s Talented Youth, Cultivating Tomorrow’s Creative Artists

The Society, Incorporated, is a non-profit national organization of women dedicated to enhancing, exposing, and promoting youth in the arts for the betterment of our communities. We are bonded in friendship and service to encourage and support youth who are talented in the arts. With a focus on under-served children, we provide support for young literary, visual, and performing artists.

Our organization was founded in May 1983 by four women who conceived the idea of organizing a group of professional women of color who shared the goals of friendship and service. The outcome of their efforts was the establishment of The Society as an organization to promote friendship among members and serve as a resource in the arts for young people.

Today we have chapters in 41 cities across the U.S. providing scholarships, grants, stipends, and other opportunities to help young people experience the exciting dimensions of artistic expression.

Presidents Welcome

Kalinda Campbell

As President of the Houston Metropolitan Chapter of The Society, Incorporated, chartered on March 20, 2021, I am honored to lead a dynamic group of women dedicated to the advancement of youth in the arts across the Greater Houston Metropolitan area. Since our founding in 1983, The Society has stood as a beacon of friendship and service, committed to nurturing talented young artists and enriching our communities through creative expression. With a focus on under-served children, we actively support young literary, visual, performing, and instrumental artists, offering scholarships, grants, stipends, and invaluable opportunities.


The Houston Metropolitan (HMET) chapter from inception has engaged, bonded and endeavored to make a meaningful impact in the community we serve. We began with an interest group of 24 ladies. We chartered with 16 powerful women during the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic. We were resilient in our virtual efforts to fulfill the mission of The Society, Incorporated ~ Supporting the Arts and build our bonds of friendship. We released our frustrations after the George Floyd murder during a bonding Speed Painting event where we gathered online to discuss the situation while a painter created our Black Lives Matter piece of art. In partnership with AT&T Pioneers Resource Group, HMET led a Holiday Blanket Drive and donated 80 blankets to men and women hospitalized at the Veterans Administration Hospital. We partnered with the NAACP Houston Branch and the NFL Retired Players Association to distribute Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the community. Our members continued to seek opportunities to bond during the time where we were mandated by national to not have in person meetings - we attended the online production of Hamilton the play.

We hosted our first program showcase titled, Jingle Jam, a musical production highlighting high school choral soloists, band and orchestra. Jazz Houston performed for us at the Jingle Jam and the Jazz Houston Youth Orchestra was highlighted also. The second showcase, "The Art of Being Yourself", featured emerging young artists in music, poetry and dance from the Carver High School Music & Arts Department.

The third showcase, Nature Around Us, in collaboration with Nia's Daughter Collective Movement where several youth dance groups, photography and STEAM social media artists displayed their talent with a few hundred people in attendance.

Our first induction was held in 2023, when the chapter inducted nine excited women with corporate, medical, entrepreneurial and creative arts backgrounds. The goal of membership is to grow the chapter with influential members and to create a dynamic impact on youth in the arts scene of Houston, Texas.